Lightweight: Increases your movement speed.
Low Profile: Makes you invisible to the UAV scorestreak and rounds fired from a weapon with the Tracker attachment.
Danger Close: Increases your explosive and killstreak damage.
Overcharged: Extends your Exo Ability battery life. This gives you an upper hand by allowing you to, for example, cloak and hover for a longer time. Overcharged also makes the Boost Slam shock enemies on impact.
Flak Jacket: Reduces explosive damage and also prevents you from slowing down when damaged by explosives. Grenades are also reset when picked up and thrown back.
Perhperials:Increases your radars coverage. In addition, enemies that are killed by you don't display their death icon to the enemy team.
Blind Eye: Makes you undetectable by drones and all killstreaks, except the UAV.
Cold Blooded: Makes you immune to enemy threat grenades, thermal, target enhancer attachments and call outs. In addition, your name isn't displayed to enemies and their reticle doesn't change color when they aim at you.
Fast Hands: You can swap your weapons faster, and use Exo Abilities and the Exo Launcher faster. This also enables you to reload your weapon while sprinting.
Gun-Ho: Allows you to fire your weapon while sprinting and sliding, but it also reduces your accuracy while doing so.
Toughness: Reduces aim / screen flinching when you get hit.
Scavenger: You spawn with extra magazines and can resupply ammo from dead enemies.
Blast Suppressor: With this equipped, you don't show up on the radar when you use Exo movements, like the Boost Jump.
Hard Wired: Makes you immune to Stun Grenades, EMP, Nano Swarms, Scramblers and the System Hack scorestreak.
Hardline: Decreases scorestreak cost by 100 points.
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